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Each tree is articulate but durable using the latest techniques I've developed here. Highly-detailed Green Foliage construction, Cedar-wood trunks (Port Orford Cedar to be exact), and Highlight colors already added to the branches. Over this I add a light "dead needle" effect (I call it "bug spray"). Tuck in a few dead branches and a make a rooty base for a standout presentation.


Premium Trees have everything the Craftsman trees do, including foliage highlights and the dead needle effect on the underside and tips of the lower branches. Additionally, Premium Trees include a generous application of dead branches, full rooty details, a sprinkle of two colors of mosses, and a very light application of a lichen type color on the trunk base and lower branches.


Each trunk is handcrafted and colored with multiple dyes to yield the effect pictured. Foliage is placed individually in small portions over each branch. Each Redwood or Sequoia is truly one-of-a-kind. The deer pictured is HO scale 1/87. Use the radio-button selector to choose whether you want Dead Top or Live Top. Dead Top is shown. 




Big Firs are those taller than 13 inches. Each features a custom shaped one of a kind trunk which may be hand-carved and/or lathe-milled from Port Orford Cedar.  I offer two levels of detail, Medium or Maximum.  Medium detail yields a basic presentation, with few dead branches and roots. For Maximum detail, I go all the way! Foliage is placed in tiny pieces on each branch at least halfway up the tree, much like that as on the Sequoia trees.  All possible details are added to Maximum Detail Firs.

A Snag Tree is essentially a dead tree still standing. "Snag: a standing dead tree. Wonderful for owls; unpredictable and deadly dangerous for loggers." Source: Wikipedia.  Need more be said? This photo shows the ultimate: a pair of (very) big snag trees at over 24 inches each.  Most snags are a big shorter than these. They may occur as singles but also doubles and maybe even triple-trunks. Each includes many detailed dead branches and a rooty base.  Readily available we have 7" through 13", but all sizes and presentations are possible.


A "lot" or grove of firs includes trees of several different shapes and sizes. I often toss in a snag or two, and whatever else I can find to make up a grouping of trees that go well together.  Lots are a "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" scenario. I try to include several photos from different angles so that the buyer has a good presentation of what they will receive. This is one way to get a "small forest" started on your layout.


by the lot:

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