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what you see is
what you get
with Lots

"LOTS" are groups of trees, and most importantly, they are WHAT-YOU-SEE-IS-WHAT-YOU-GET. I assemble a group of trees, put a number on it, take a picture, and store it. When you shop, you are receiving the EXACT trees that are in the photo. The number in the photo is taped onto the box.
Lot trees are generally a bit more artistic and creative than trees you would have from purchasing our off-the-shelf Craftsman or Premium series trees. This is where I cut loose with artistic flair!
Vanna the (HO Preiser) Moose is unfortunately not for sale but is used for size reference only. Click on any image to enlarge it.
So, enjoy browsing, and here we go!
Updated 02/10/2025

Coastman's is having a fire sale! After experimenting with the new Fiber-Trees way of making trees, we find we are drowning in these things. But it's a dry sort of drowning, because these trees are very, very dry. Check out the fiber-ous detail on these. Some are made from our thin trunks, the bamboo material, which is quite strong for the thin, tapered tops. Others are of the Port Orford Cedar trunk material, better for broader trees and bark detail. Bamboo = wooden pin, PO Cedar = stainless steel planting pins. No forecast intended, but given the dry weather we are enjoying now, there may be more coming. Remember, all trees in the LOTS category are exactly-what-you-see-is-what-you-get! Get a few Fire Sale trees, and an extinguisher! :P
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