let's trade up!
So What's The Deal?
As I am constructing my own layout, I am searching for detail items I will otherwise purchase from the hobbyshop, ebay, or elsewhere. But there's so much stuff already out there. It'd be so much more fun to make trees directly for the details I am looking for!
Consider a generous trade for model fir trees for you quality HO scale details. Just to give you an idea, I am currently looking for the following (all HO scale):
Straddle Carrier. I'd trade four Premium trees for one of these! Kit or built. Must be 1960s+ and of great quality.
Forklift - a good one for a package of Craftsman Trees
Lumber Loads - Well done loads always considered! Wrapped versions too! I have several Hampton Lumber centerbeams I need to fill.
Stacks of lumber - for my two mills
I also have plenty of highly-detailed resin castings including engines
I have PLENTY of HO mufflers and auto parts in cast alloy. (I don't even have the mufflers up here on the site yet! They are amazing!)
I can even design and print you something in 3D from scratch! I have both resin and filament printers here running every day.
Let me know what you have and what trees you want! Let's negotiate!
Thanks for your consideration.