Some Snags are more or less In Stock and you can order them here.
(I'm slowly bringing back this option).
However, please note many of the PREMIUM, SNAG, and Double-Trunk Trees that are ready-to-ship are in the TREE LOTS section.

a 7-inch tall
Snag Tree
What is a snag tree, you ask? A critical component of a forest, a “Snag” generally refers to an older, long-left-for-dead tree. Decay has set in, and many smaller branches have dropped to the forest floor.Tree bark has fallen off, and the sun has “bleached” the core wood a silvery-grey color on the outside. Ants and termites chew holes and woodpeckers follow them, enlarging the holes. In a moist area, plants may start to grow on the tree. Don’t forget green mosses, teal lichens, and brown shelf mushrooms. A tree-like this appears as a giant stick protruding up into the air; an object with the ability to “snag”something else, perhaps a more desirable tree a faller is trying to aim toward the ground using the saw.“Arrgh! That *$&;# Snag!” Hence, snags set the scene for stories.
Snags may have a slight lean. Eventually, they will fall over and kiss the earth! I have termed this a Lying Snag. (Lying Snags always tell the truth, heh heh!)

Proto Lying Snag Tree

9-inch Lying Snag Tree
on the layout

6-inch Lying Snag Tree