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fallen & windblown fir TREES
Fallen Tree = CUT down,
aka "a felled tree"

Windblown Tree = NATURE did it,
i.e. tree failure due to wind, lightning, etc.

Whether you cut it or just barely pushed it, it's your fault with FELLED and WINDBLOWN trees! Truly a one of a kind detail on your layout that no one will miss (clinically tested & confirmed in our lab). These are also available as SNAG versions (no green stuff) under the SNAGS page. You can order 7 inch through 13 inch right here, or contact me for larger sizes.
Also check the TREE LOTS section for one-offs and other finely detailed specimens!
Snags may have a slight lean. Eventually, they will fall over and kiss the earth! I have termed this a Lying Snag. (Lying Snags always tell the truth, heh heh!)

Proto Lying Snag Tree

9-inch Lying Snag Tree
on the layout

6-inch Lying Snag Tree

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